The thermal response time is affected by the following factors:
Types of infrared detectors: Infrared cameras use different types of detectors, including thermocouples, copper oxides (CO2), steel-tin oxides (In203:Sn) and microstacks. Different types of detectors have different response times, with microstack detectors typically having faster response times.
How thermal imaging cameras work: Different types of thermal imaging cameras work on different principles, such as scanning and real-time. Real-time cameras typically have faster response times because they capture and display thermal images instantly.
Signal processing and image transfer: The speed of a thermal imaging camera's signal processing and image transfer also affects its response time. An efficient signal processing and transmission system can speed up image generation.
Environmental conditions: Conditions such as ambient temperature and humidity can also affect the response time of a thermal imaging camera. Extreme temperatures or humidity may cause the detector to degrade in performance, thus affecting response time.